Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday's Dream Log


I haven't mentioned this in my posts yet, but now is a good time. When I have a lucid dream - meaning that while dreaming I become aware that I am dreaming - it is of significance because lucid dreaming is a skill that can be learned and developed through practice and certain disciplines. I mention them here in case future readers are interested in exploring the inner self and mind, known as the subconscious mind (the storehouse of all understandings gained during a lifetime, and past lives if you are open to the possibility of past lives). For those interested a book that I found to be extremely helpful when I first started becoming interested in my dream is titled, "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming" by Stephen Laberge PhD & Howard Rheingold.
I'd recommend it for beginners. However, gaining true mastery requires spiritual discipline and practices (which I am still struggling with!) that will change a person. Even though these changes are always for the best, one always encounters the conscious ego, which provides the opportunity to resist productive changes. Still, check out the book if you have time. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BUY A BOOK ABOUT DREAM INTERPRETATION THAT IS WRITTEN BY A PSYCHOLOGIST! This is because a psychologist is locked into thinking in a physical way. A true psychologist cannot ever interpret what a dream means because, as a scientist, the psychologist cannot assume that there is anything that exists which is beyond the 5 physical senses. No true scientist can explain something which is beyond the 5 physical senses because that would be assuming that there exists something which is not tangible. Even though all human beings have a connection to one another, it cannot be proven by strictly scientific means. Certain assumptions must be made which cannot be proven. It is the Kurt Godel result. Mathematical reasoning cannot prove everything. This is because in an enclosed system Godel proved (by a beautiful counter example method) that is was impossible to find a complete and consistent set of axioms which would allow all possible axioms to be made known or derived. Thus, a true scientist, who would perceive himself as only a physical being, cannot possibly accept the notion a person's consciousness can exist outside of a physical body, or even that there is the possibility of such a thing as a soul. In my person experience, there is such a thing as a soul. I have, at the moment, contact with my soul as I exist during this lifetime in a physical vehicle. That contact is through messages hidden in dreams (the universal language of mind - that of pictures) and images perceived in meditation. If you want to understand what your dreams mean, then you must first learn to think in pictures. The language of mind is pictures. The universal language of mind is a language of form and function. As an example: A vehicle in your dreams (such as your car) would represent your physical body. A school bus would represent an organization of aspects of yourself. A person in your dream would represent a distinct aspect of yourself, which aspect depends on the qualities that that person portrays in your dream.

Dream 1

I was in a movie theater and had run out of popcorn. I went back home and along the way a friend of mine who looked very similar to me (almost like a twin) began walking with me. I entered my home and went into the bedroom. I picked up some more cash and returned to the main living room. Everything in the house was gone. I saw that there was no furniture, carpet, or anything left in the house. My intention was to return to the theater with my facsimile friend, but he became a real jerk and wanted me to go a different way. I refused and at that moment I realized I was dreaming. With full awareness I looked at the house and thought, "Hmm, looks like I'll be moving soon!" With a smile I left through the front door and went outside to stand on my driveway. I looked into the sky and saw that the moon was full and bright in the sky. There were black clouds in front of the moon, somewhat obscuring it from view. "Well I can't have those in my way!" I thought and raised my hands towards the clouds. I made the clouds disperse with thought. I noticed that there was a jumbo jet heading directly towards me. It was on fire too. I thought for a moment, "Should I let it hit me just to see what happens?" It wouldn't be the first time I had died in a dream with full awareness. "Nah." I raised my hands again and through telekinesis began to lift the plane from its collision with me and the ground. The jet swooshed overhead and demolished the house right behind me, then veered off into the sky. I laughed because hadn't intended that to happen. It was a feeling of "Oops.." I thought to myself, "What now?" I walked over to some flowers that were growing near my driveway and picked one. It had little yellow petals and was really pretty. As an experiment I stared at it until I woke up. I could feel my consciousness returning quickly to my body and then I opened my eyes, thinking "Awesome!"

It does make me wonder though, at the end of this life when I close my eyes, will I open my eyes again to find myself in another dream like this one? Wherever I am I hope they still have ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Betty, thanks for the comment. I will be submitting dream interpretations also as soon as I get the time!
