Dream 1
I walked into my apartment and saw that my girlfriend was there. We hugged and talked about something for a short time. She was sitting on the bed and I notice that the wall was cracked. Upon closer inspection I realized that it wasn't a crack, but instead a door that stretched from floor to ceiling! I pushed the door open to reveal another two rooms. They had been furnished with all of my grandma's things. There was even a kitchen in the middle room. I couldn't believe it. It's as if my apartment had just tripled in size. I said, "Can you believe it! This is great!" My girlfriend and I were back into the first room and had sex. My boss came in through the door and began telling my not to forget something that was occurring on friday of some month. I spoke to her and told her thanks. We were both still naked but that didn't even seem to bother anyone. My boss left and my girlfriend and I continued.
Interpretation - Dream 1
Symbols - nouns that actually appear in the dream
apartment - a place held in universal mind. This is were many different aspects are held and are interconnected.
girlfriend - subconscious aspect. In this she represents the subconscious aspect of self that is my guiding light and companion. Because we are together (will be married soon :) )this quality is wholeness of mind.
door - a way to move through different states of mind.
sex - the act of creation. Pay attention to who, or what, it being used to create with. This will tell you a lot about what it is that you are creating in your life. Whether its something desirable, or perhaps undesirable.
female boss - receptive factor of superconscious mind. Remember that the superconscious mind has two factors - the receptive factor and aggressive/energizing factor. It is the mind which holds your blueprint for your existence and purpose this lifetime.
Rough Meaning
I recognized that there had been a movement and my mind has undergone an expansion. It has been furnished with old things at the moment and needs me to put new things in it! In order to keep the expansion going I need to continue to create new ideas. My (female) boss showing up symbolizes that the superconscious mind wants me to remain open to receiving from universal mind. Continuing to expand is in alignment with universal law and requires effort on the one who wants to progress.
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