Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday's Drem Log Cont.

Interpretation - Dream 1

Symbols - nouns that appear in the dream (not ideas or something spoken about, only what is seen)

companion - an aspect of self that the dreamer is very comfortable with and uses much of the time in daily thought

house - represents a state of mind

possession - this refers to a lack of will. when someone is feeling this way it is usually portaying how the person is allowing other aspects to "control" the self without directing their own will.

woman - represents a subconscious aspect of self. Age determines how well developed that aspect is.

magic - new symbol for me :) - from the dream it seems to represent an inner power that we all have and intuitively know how to use.

clothes - outward expression.

fire - represents expansion.

brain - the physical storehouse of information

death - a change of something.

Rough Meaning
I haven't been feeling in control of myself through lack of will. I vestigated my state of mind to find out what was giong on. I became aware of an older subconscious aspect (the woman introduced herself) and their was conflict involving expression. I expanded my outward expression to resolve the conflict and change the older subconscious aspect which controlled some information that I needed to use.

Lately, with final project due dates looming on the horizon I have had a lack of will to begin working on them in full swing. When I realized this I became energized and focused on getting information together for what I needed to be doing. When I was finished I thought, "Wow, how did I get all this done."

Interpretation - Dream 2

Symbols - see above

cruise spaceship - represents an organization.

aliens - foreign aspects of self.

cruise - new symbol for me :) - A cruise is sonething you take when you are on a holiday, or having fun. Also, it usually occurs over water but in this case it was occuring in space. Space represents expanded consciousness. Basically, the practice of holding more in mind than previously. Holding more in mind isn't filling your head with knowledge, its more akin to keeping more in your mind than you used to. Such as holding more people in your mind throughout your day. There was a period of 2 yrs where I learned all of my 350 students' names every semester! I had many crazy spaceship dreams and dreams in space because I was learning to expand my consciousness by making it encompass more things.

crash land - an unplanned ermgence of something in your mind.

blend in - new symbol for me :) - since we are dealing with aliens this represents how aspects which were completely foreign have become a part of the usual thinking process / mind

harmony - complying with unversal law / being in alignment with universal law

Rough Meaning
An organization has had a major influence on my thinking process and has gone unnoticed. There isn't anything out of order, but one should always be aware of how things are influencing one's mind. Its the most precious possession anyone has!

Pay more attention to what is influencing you during the day because the more aware you are of how things are impacting your mind the better you can understand the decisions you make and whether or not you even want those things to be added to your mind!

Interpretation - Dream 3

Symbols - see above

hallway - a way to get from one place in a state of mind to another.

poduim - new symbol for me :) - a place to speak to a large audience. This is where a lecturer would stand and have their notes ready before giving the talk or speech. Thus, its a tool for disseminating ideas to other aspects of self. Kind of like when one takes what they know in one area of life and applies it to all other areas of their life.

computer - represents the physical storehouse of information, the body.

report - statement of progress toawrd a goal.

military scientists - disciplined aspects of self that use reasoning.

contamination - spread of something unwanted, or the irrational fear of something unwanted spreading to other areas/aspects

soldier - usually a disciplined aspect of self.

transport - a way to hold many aspects in mind, and also to take them to another state of mind / way thinking for use.

digruntled - out of harmony with self

suicide - suicide represents a selfish act (most say) and is usually a result of self imposed psychic isolation. Similar to when one is in a crowd of their friends yet still feels lonely. A refusal to acknowledge the self 's importance in creation.

Rough Meaning
I was reviewing the progress I had made the previous day (probably dealing with discipline since the military and soldiers were involved). There was diharmony with the use of discipline and I wasn't completely in alignment with my goal. I had found a way to take all of those disciplined aspects to a place where they were needed but was worried that they may be changed by what they encountered. In the end the conflict was resolved with the discipline but not in a very harmonious way. It was also a selfish and probably closed-minded way to do it. (Come on, nobody's perfect all the time!)

Review how you're using discipline and make changes that are harmonious. Worrying about how you use discipline is unimportant. What is important is using reason to create a purpose for why you need to use it. Incorporate more into the decision making process than what was previously used, do not isolate yourself. (because of the selfishness of the suicide) You may think there is only one option left and rarely is that ever true.

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