Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thursday's Drem Log Cont.

Interpretation - Dream 1

Symbols - nouns that appear in the dream (not ideas or something spoken about, only what is seen)

companion - an aspect of self that the dreamer is very comfortable with and uses much of the time in daily thought

house - represents a state of mind

possession - this refers to a lack of will. when someone is feeling this way it is usually portaying how the person is allowing other aspects to "control" the self without directing their own will.

woman - represents a subconscious aspect of self. Age determines how well developed that aspect is.

magic - new symbol for me :) - from the dream it seems to represent an inner power that we all have and intuitively know how to use.

clothes - outward expression.

fire - represents expansion.

brain - the physical storehouse of information

death - a change of something.

Rough Meaning
I haven't been feeling in control of myself through lack of will. I vestigated my state of mind to find out what was giong on. I became aware of an older subconscious aspect (the woman introduced herself) and their was conflict involving expression. I expanded my outward expression to resolve the conflict and change the older subconscious aspect which controlled some information that I needed to use.

Lately, with final project due dates looming on the horizon I have had a lack of will to begin working on them in full swing. When I realized this I became energized and focused on getting information together for what I needed to be doing. When I was finished I thought, "Wow, how did I get all this done."

Interpretation - Dream 2

Symbols - see above

cruise spaceship - represents an organization.

aliens - foreign aspects of self.

cruise - new symbol for me :) - A cruise is sonething you take when you are on a holiday, or having fun. Also, it usually occurs over water but in this case it was occuring in space. Space represents expanded consciousness. Basically, the practice of holding more in mind than previously. Holding more in mind isn't filling your head with knowledge, its more akin to keeping more in your mind than you used to. Such as holding more people in your mind throughout your day. There was a period of 2 yrs where I learned all of my 350 students' names every semester! I had many crazy spaceship dreams and dreams in space because I was learning to expand my consciousness by making it encompass more things.

crash land - an unplanned ermgence of something in your mind.

blend in - new symbol for me :) - since we are dealing with aliens this represents how aspects which were completely foreign have become a part of the usual thinking process / mind

harmony - complying with unversal law / being in alignment with universal law

Rough Meaning
An organization has had a major influence on my thinking process and has gone unnoticed. There isn't anything out of order, but one should always be aware of how things are influencing one's mind. Its the most precious possession anyone has!

Pay more attention to what is influencing you during the day because the more aware you are of how things are impacting your mind the better you can understand the decisions you make and whether or not you even want those things to be added to your mind!

Interpretation - Dream 3

Symbols - see above

hallway - a way to get from one place in a state of mind to another.

poduim - new symbol for me :) - a place to speak to a large audience. This is where a lecturer would stand and have their notes ready before giving the talk or speech. Thus, its a tool for disseminating ideas to other aspects of self. Kind of like when one takes what they know in one area of life and applies it to all other areas of their life.

computer - represents the physical storehouse of information, the body.

report - statement of progress toawrd a goal.

military scientists - disciplined aspects of self that use reasoning.

contamination - spread of something unwanted, or the irrational fear of something unwanted spreading to other areas/aspects

soldier - usually a disciplined aspect of self.

transport - a way to hold many aspects in mind, and also to take them to another state of mind / way thinking for use.

digruntled - out of harmony with self

suicide - suicide represents a selfish act (most say) and is usually a result of self imposed psychic isolation. Similar to when one is in a crowd of their friends yet still feels lonely. A refusal to acknowledge the self 's importance in creation.

Rough Meaning
I was reviewing the progress I had made the previous day (probably dealing with discipline since the military and soldiers were involved). There was diharmony with the use of discipline and I wasn't completely in alignment with my goal. I had found a way to take all of those disciplined aspects to a place where they were needed but was worried that they may be changed by what they encountered. In the end the conflict was resolved with the discipline but not in a very harmonious way. It was also a selfish and probably closed-minded way to do it. (Come on, nobody's perfect all the time!)

Review how you're using discipline and make changes that are harmonious. Worrying about how you use discipline is unimportant. What is important is using reason to create a purpose for why you need to use it. Incorporate more into the decision making process than what was previously used, do not isolate yourself. (because of the selfishness of the suicide) You may think there is only one option left and rarely is that ever true.

Thursday's Dream Log

Dream 1
I was with a companion walking around a house. We couldn't leave because a woman had possessed/ or was trying to possess my body. My companion told me to jump out of my body and try to locate the person while my body was being controlled. I floated into the house and looked around for the person controlling my body. I knew she was in there and so I rifled through her stuff searching for something I could use against her. The woman came into the room and introduced herslf to me as a witch of some order. I told her that I was an apprentice and would now battle her. We used magic on each other and nothing was effective. Finally, we both began to use fire magic (apparently the most destructive kind). We each coated ourselves with protective fire and unleashed different magical attacks. She flung a fireball at me as I walked toward her. I deflected it easily and prepared my attack. I coated my arm and fist with a special superheated type of plasma. I drove my hand through her chest and grabbed her brain! She didn't die instantly but the contest of power was over.

Dream 2
A spaceship carrying many aliens was traveling through the cosmos. It was a cruise ship and everyone had been gone a long time. The ship malfunctioned and crashed on earth. The aliens assumed human form and blended in the population. Both peoples lived in harmony. Humanity remaining unaware of what had transpired.

Dream 3
I was walking along a halway looking for a room to view some report. I came across a room with a podium and computer (although it was extremely advanced). I watched a scientific report about what military scientists were doing to help guard against contamination from fighting these certain alien creatures. The new proceedure would almost completely eliminate the possibility of infection. I saw a movie of soldiers marching onto a transport and some of the scientists were accompanying them. One soldier was disgruntled and refused to go because he felt like the soldiers were doing all the work and then handing over the new territory. He also didn't believe the new proceedure would protect them from harm. Either a scientist, or an officer came over and told him he was out of line. The soldier committed suicide.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday's Dream Log continued

Interpretation - Dream 2 continued

Rough Meaning
Yesterday, I was in a state of mind that really allowed me to become aware of how I was progressing. All of my superconscious aspects were in the dream in some way! When you have a dream like that it means you're thinking about your plan for being in this life. Remember, that the superconscious mind holds your blueprint for existence. The master plan of what you are here to learn and do while you exist in a physical body. This kind of dream is always good. It means that you are really thinking about why you are here on this earth! (which I have been doing a lot lately) I was in direct communication with my receptive quality of superconscious mind and expressing my love for it. I saw that I was potentially headed for passivity in life and took steps to avoid it. My father came in to talk to me about how the man in charge of my grandpa's cell phone was fired because he was being irresponsible. This may represent that I am aware of how the disconnect with the superconscious mind is occuring and the problem has been stopped, but not fixed (since we did not find a replacement).

Be more aggressive in communicating with my superconscious mind. I'm aware of a breakdown in communication. Now, I just need to fix the problem. ie start meditating agian!

Thursday's Dream Log

Today is a very special day! I have been studying my dreams for years and a certain symbol has cropped up often in my dreams. I now believe that I have finally solved the riddle of what a spider represents!! Halleluiah!

Dream 1

I was having a few drinks with my friends and went to get in my car. I was intoxicated. I got in the car and went to drive, but the car was stuck in reverse and I could find the break pedal. I rear-ended a post and dented the back bumper of my car. I got out and someone had called the police. The policeman came over and checked out my car but couldn't find anything wrong with it. I had sobered up. My grandma came over and said something about how she was worried because there was a policeman talking to me. I asked her why she thought something had to be wrong just because a policeman was talking to me.

Dream 2

I was on a beautiful ranch. I was walking along a hallway and looking out through a glass window that stretched the entire length of the ranch. It was a huge house. I had my iPhone out and was talking to my mom. I saw a huge spider and was going to take a picture of it. My mom asked my if I had heard about grandpa. I told her that I had only heard about him drinking a coke (this happened in real life - he has suffered a major stroke and has lost most of his mind, he drank a coke by himself yesterday for the first time in weeks). I told her that I loved her and had to go. My dad was standing behind me and we talked for a while about grandpa. He told me that the man who was carrying grandpa's cell phone had been fired because he wasn't handling it properly and being irresponsible.

Interpretation - Dream 1

Symbols - nouns that appear in the dream

alcohol - represents a lack of willpower

car - represents the physical body

break pedal - represents tool used to slow something down, or stop something

bumper - cushion for collision with something

police - represents inner authority

grandma - superconscious aspect

Rough Meaning
I need to use more will in causing forward progression of self. In fact, if I don't start using more will my body will begin reacting to this (the car becoming damaged). I am aware of this and am trying to stop my current behavior (looking for the breaks). I have called on my inner authority to check everything and so far there isn't any damage or anything wrong (policeman couldn't find anything wrong). My superconscious mind is warning me that the fact that my inner authority needed to be used in that way means that there needs to be a change (from grandma's conversation). My conscious mind is trying to reject that idea (arguing with grandma).

So, lately I have been in a funk. I realize that my ideas aren't as good as the one's other people have come up with and I begin to ask myself, "What's the point? I'm trying to change yet I don't have any idea what I am really capable of." I am afraid that my best won't be good enough. This has caused a lack of will to do anything. The dream is reflecting my lack of will and is trying to show me that my health will not hold up if I don't make some changes. I've just got to believe in myself and change my despair into faith in myself. I need to tell myself everyday, "There is a future for me and if I work hard for it the vision will come true!"

Basically, I need to focus my will and energy toward creating forward progression of the self. I also resist this change somewhat (arguing) and need to embrace it.

Interpretation - Dream 2
ranch - similar to a house, so this represents a place in mind

hallway - a way to get between rooms in a house, so this represents how one moves from different states of mind

window - allows light to enter, so this represents a degree of awareness. How big the window is and how much light is let through determines how useful it is in allowing awareness in the current state of mind (if on a house)

phone - mind to mind communication, can represent telepathy. However, usually it represents a direct connection to some aspect of yourself.

spider - habit. Believe it or not I've worked on this one a lot! Spiders do crop up once in a while in my dreams and I've been trying for years to figure out exactly what they represent! When I think of a spider I think of a web first. They create webs. I know from listening to my subconscious that webs represent life (the web of life). Spiders eat other insects, yet I've never had a dream where a spider ate another insect. I'm thinking that this habit has to do with a habit that I have in relation to how I approach life. Spiders just sit in their web and wait for something to fly into it. I now believe that spiders in my dreams represent inactivity and passivity with regard to how I am performing in my daily life.

mother - superconscious aspect of mind. I have recently learned that the mother is the receptive quality (the father being the aggressive quality)

grandma - superconscious mind.

father - represents the aggressive quality of superconscious mind.

Rough Meaning
Yesterday, I was in a state of mind that really allowed me to become aware of how I was progressing. All of my superconscious aspects were in the dream in some way! When you have a dream like that it means you're thinking about your plan for being in this life. Remember, that the superconscious mind holds your blueprint for existence. The master plan of what you are here to learn and do while you exist in a physical body. This kind of dream is always good. It means that you are really thinking about why you are here on this earth! (which I have been doing a lot lately) I was in direct communication with my receptive quality of superconscious mind and expressing my love for it. I saw that I was potentially headed for passivity in life and took steps to avoid it. My father came in to talk to me about my grandpa which means that
oops low power - more to come!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday's Dream Log

Dream 1

I was on a raft in the ocean. I looked into my hand and saw that I was holding a reel of film like they use in projectors (the old style movie film reels). It was dark out and I could see that there were sharks in the water circling some location off in the distance. I took the reel of film and threw it into the ocean and watched it sink below the waves. The ocean was calm throughout the dream.

Interpretation - Dream 1

Symbols - nouns that appear in the dream

raft - vessel that carts you over the water (much like a car carts you around roads). Essentially its a boat so it represents the body.

ocean - the vast waters of the world. This represents the ocean of conscious life experiences that we all are accustomed to in our daily life.

darkness - light is awareness. So, darkness means lack of awareness.

hand - Every time we create something there must have been a conscious/unconscious purpose for doing so. To use your hand is to use purpose. Thus, hand represent purpose.

reel of film - This one is though. Pictures represent memory. A roll/reel of film is a bunch of pictures together (usually in some special order). So my take on this symbol is a previous day's set of memories. Think about how you remember something. Usually, a memory begins with a single snapshot of what has transpired (the first image that comes to mind), then the images flow together to bringing the memory to life.

sharks - since sharks are animals they represent habits associated with conscious life experiences since they "live" in the water. Also, the function of a shark is to eat/consume other fish. Eating something represents the assimilation of something (ie eating food represents assimilating knowledge).

Rough Meaning -
During the previous day I was mostly unaware of how I am uncionsciously throwing away what I think are useless memories from my daily life. My subconscious is showing me that I have made a habit of this.

Application -
Once again, my subconscious is telling me to be a reasoner with my experiences and to take more care with them. Certain moments can lead to great insight, but you'll miss them if you just carelessly discard memories which don't immediately seem to have merit. Message - "Stop habitually discarding memories that you haven't taken the time to look at! There could be something valuable there!"

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday's Dream Log

Dream 1

I was in a mall parking lot and a girl was standing next to me. "Do you want to come with me?", I asked. "You know I'm a vampire, right?", she replied. "Yeah, I know and I do care about that. You can follow me if you want to.", I said. I looked up into the sky and saw the it was overcast. Through the clouds I could see that a star was shining brightly. I thought to myself, "It's time to go higher than I ever have before." (In a previous dream I flew too high, got scared, and flew back down to the ground) This time I would break the cloud barrier. I flew off the ground and into the sky. My peripheral vision blurred as I soared into the sky. My body even seemed to stretch because of the incredible speed. I broke through the cloud layer and saw that there was a vast blue sky above. Off in the distance I saw that there was another plane of existence. Huge cloud giants were congregating around a beautiful valley filled with flowers and star shaped water pools. I flew over to them and swooped around to get a look at everything. After I completed a loop I flew back to the mall and went inside a movie theater. None of the shows were appealing and I decided that I would rather be with the cloud giants than at this place. I walked outside and took off all my clothes. ( I guess I wouldn't need them LoL) I flew up again, but a mountain of soil had been built up by construction workers and bulldozers. I hit the side and began to climb up the hill to get beyond the clouds.

Dream 2

I was in an apartment with some older people. I only noticed one older man, though. I was in the kitchen and was either cooking something or preparing some food. I looked down and noticed that my mom's pet dog, Rudy, was in the kitchen with me. I bent down to pet him and noticed that somehting wasn't right with his fur. I looked closer and realized that Rudy had huge gashes on his sides. I couldn't believe how badly he had been hurt and was worried that he would die. Rudy laid down on the floor and I could see blood welling up in his wounds. I started to cry because he was such a good dog! Then I woke up.

Illustrator is GOD

It's been a while since I posted! However, I've been busy learning how to draw. Today I made my first ever illustrator gif using then pen tool! I did a lot of drawing in my sketchbook to try and get the facs I was drawing to resemble life-like (if not cartoony) faces. Here it is! I'm soooo proud! Thanks to Charlie and Rolando for helping me with my technique. More to come!