Saturday, September 19, 2009

Saturday's Dream Log

Dream 1

I was in a large building and there were many people talking and eating. They were all wearing the same clothing and I realized that I was in a prison. Three men where bragging about how great they were at basketball. My two friends and I went up to them and challenged them to a game...for freedom. We began to play and the guy guarding me held on to me when I had the ball. I called for a foul and he denied it, but since everyone in the prison saw that he fouled me I got some free shots at the basket. Up until this point there wasn't even a basketball goal to shoot at, but now a few people wheeled in a television set on a shelf frame. The television screen showed a picture of a basketball goal. I lined up and made a shot. The ball hit the screen and it recorded the shot. Then the other team made a bet about my next shot. I shot and missed. Shot again, and made the basket. We won the game and I then climbed a wall and walked along a rafter to get to an open window. I climbed out and was now in a parking lot looking for my car.

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