Sept 5, 2009
"I was in a hurry to transport two cars to someone, but I had to transport both of them at the same time. One car was a 1950's light blue convertible and the other was my usual car that I drive everyday. I rigged the convertible to just drive by turning it on and wedging something on the gas peddle. I figured that I would just follow the car and catch up to it when it was time to stop. I pointed it on the highway and let go. The car sped off down the highway and for a while it was easy to follow. Suddenly, traffic appeared on the highway and I got worried that the car might run into someone and cause an accident. The convertible was now racing down the highway and there were also a lot of other cars driving on the highway. I now lost track of the car every so often as it swerved wildly between cars. I had the peddle to the metal now and the convertible was still slipping away. "Oh great." I said as the car went out of sight. I caught a glimpse of light blue careening of to the right somewhere up the highway. I was going too fast to slow down so I just swerved off to the right in almost the same place. The car had gone through a field of tall wheat and was resting their now. I saw my mom standing by my car and she told me that the convertible was all banged up from the trip. I turned off my car and got out. I was walking over to the convertible and noticed that a man was getting out! He ran in to a red barn and my mom and I followed him. He had a gun and shot at us as we got closer to him. He went into some part of the barn that had computer circuitry. I realized that there was an ancient computer in there and he was accessing it. "Look we're not here to hurt you. We just want to know what you're doing." The man stopped shooting and we struck a truce. He said he was opening a gateway to fix something. We followed and went into a gigantic computer mind. I became lucid and realized that I was dreaming. There was an entourage of people now and I saw one of them was uneasy about being in the mind. So I gave him a pen and told him to mark his way so he could find his way out if he got lost. The man who had been driving the convertible asked my if I wanted to go to a higher plane of consciousness. I said, "Sure, sounds like fun." He walked through a glowing open door. You couldn't actually see what was on the other side because the very fabric of space on the other side was a translucent white. It would be like walking through a cloud. I stepped through the door and felt an electric shock run through my entire body. I was propelled backwards and skidded on the ground. I hit a pillar in the previous room and just laid there. I was paralyzed, yet my mind was still working. I was laughing at myself thinking, "Hmm, must not be ready for the next level on consciousness!"
cars - represents the physical body of the dreamer. One car was my usual car, meaning the state that my body is on now and the other was a 1950's car, meaning a past way of thinking about my physical body.
highway - represents a way to proceed quiclky in your real life. A path taken that can quickly lead you somewhere.
traffic - opposing ideas, or many ideas about the body. Since the highway was crowded it would suggest that the way I handle my body is erratic, or scattered.
wheat - a field of tall wheat will represent knowledge waiting to be harvested (assimilated)
mother - aspect of superconsious mind (the higher mind)
barn - similar to a house, just represents a sate of mind. In my opinion a barn can house animals, or store food in some way. If there had been animals in the barn, then it would've indicated that the particular state of mind was sheltering habits (animals in dreams represent habitual ways of thinking of the dreamer)
gun - a weapon and therefore a tool for change. Guns are usually used to kill, or injure people, and so it most likely represents the power to change aspects of self.
computer - computers represent the physical brain. Think about the form and function of a computer. It stores information and accesses information upon request (sometimes without conscious awareness)
truce - since this was initiated by me (the dreamer) it represents a bargain with another aspect of self to form cooperation. Working together ie using many aspects of self to accomplish a task. Think about how we use discipline, willpower (not the same thing!), desire, creativity, and experiences to perform a task. If you would say something like, "Well, I may not like this but I've got to knuckle down and do it!" then in your dreams you may see a picture of you bargaining or making a truce, with your disruptive aspect.
door - represents a path to another state of mind. Think about a house. A house represents a dreamer's mind. Doorways lead to other rooms within the house. So a doorway is how we move from on way of thinking to the next with the specific state of mind that we are in at the moment. Think about the Pearly Gates of Heaven!
Rough Meaning
My higher mind is cautioning me to slow down! A lot of action does not necessarily mean productive action. My higher self (mom) points out to me a part of myself that is driving me unproductively. Notice how the man only shows up after she points him out to me! The aspect had the potential to change me and the actual physical brain pathways. This is because he had access to a central computer and was armed with a gun. Instead of fighting I made peace and decided to explore this new way of thinking. However, there are still certain areas of mind that I am unwilling to go. My subconscious (with a little help from the superconscious) is directing me to slow down and assimilate the knowledge right in front of me (the wheat field). In time I will earn the right to move through areas of my mind that I have restricted myself from. It sounds wierd, but think of something that you are afraid of or are afraid to think about, this is a restriction put on self. "Fear no thing", for fear is identification with the physical: a temporary illusion of separateness between the individual mind and cosmic consciousness.
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