Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday's Dream Log

Dream 1

I was on a raft in the ocean. I looked into my hand and saw that I was holding a reel of film like they use in projectors (the old style movie film reels). It was dark out and I could see that there were sharks in the water circling some location off in the distance. I took the reel of film and threw it into the ocean and watched it sink below the waves. The ocean was calm throughout the dream.

Interpretation - Dream 1

Symbols - nouns that appear in the dream

raft - vessel that carts you over the water (much like a car carts you around roads). Essentially its a boat so it represents the body.

ocean - the vast waters of the world. This represents the ocean of conscious life experiences that we all are accustomed to in our daily life.

darkness - light is awareness. So, darkness means lack of awareness.

hand - Every time we create something there must have been a conscious/unconscious purpose for doing so. To use your hand is to use purpose. Thus, hand represent purpose.

reel of film - This one is though. Pictures represent memory. A roll/reel of film is a bunch of pictures together (usually in some special order). So my take on this symbol is a previous day's set of memories. Think about how you remember something. Usually, a memory begins with a single snapshot of what has transpired (the first image that comes to mind), then the images flow together to bringing the memory to life.

sharks - since sharks are animals they represent habits associated with conscious life experiences since they "live" in the water. Also, the function of a shark is to eat/consume other fish. Eating something represents the assimilation of something (ie eating food represents assimilating knowledge).

Rough Meaning -
During the previous day I was mostly unaware of how I am uncionsciously throwing away what I think are useless memories from my daily life. My subconscious is showing me that I have made a habit of this.

Application -
Once again, my subconscious is telling me to be a reasoner with my experiences and to take more care with them. Certain moments can lead to great insight, but you'll miss them if you just carelessly discard memories which don't immediately seem to have merit. Message - "Stop habitually discarding memories that you haven't taken the time to look at! There could be something valuable there!"

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