Today is a very special day! I have been studying my dreams for years and a certain symbol has cropped up often in my dreams. I now believe that I have finally solved the riddle of what a spider represents!! Halleluiah!
I was having a few drinks with my friends and went to get in my car. I was intoxicated. I got in the car and went to drive, but the car was stuck in reverse and I could find the break pedal. I rear-ended a post and dented the back bumper of my car. I got out and someone had called the police. The policeman came over and checked out my car but couldn't find anything wrong with it. I had sobered up. My grandma came over and said something about how she was worried because there was a policeman talking to me. I asked her why she thought something had to be wrong just because a policeman was talking to me.
Dream 2
I was on a beautiful ranch. I was walking along a hallway and looking out through a glass window that stretched the entire length of the ranch. It was a huge house. I had my iPhone out and was talking to my mom. I saw a huge spider and was going to take a picture of it. My mom asked my if I had heard about grandpa. I told her that I had only heard about him drinking a coke (this happened in real life - he has suffered a major stroke and has lost most of his mind, he drank a coke by himself yesterday for the first time in weeks). I told her that I loved her and had to go. My dad was standing behind me and we talked for a while about grandpa. He told me that the man who was carrying grandpa's cell phone had been fired because he wasn't handling it properly and being irresponsible.
Interpretation - Dream 1
Symbols - nouns that appear in the dream
alcohol - represents a lack of willpower
car - represents the physical body
break pedal - represents tool used to slow something down, or stop something
bumper - cushion for collision with something
police - represents inner authority
grandma - superconscious aspect
Rough Meaning
I need to use more will in causing forward progression of self. In fact, if I don't start using more will my body will begin reacting to this (the car becoming damaged). I am aware of this and am trying to stop my current behavior (looking for the breaks). I have called on my inner authority to check everything and so far there isn't any damage or anything wrong (policeman couldn't find anything wrong). My superconscious mind is warning me that the fact that my inner authority needed to be used in that way means that there needs to be a change (from grandma's conversation). My conscious mind is trying to reject that idea (arguing with grandma).
So, lately I have been in a funk. I realize that my ideas aren't as good as the one's other people have come up with and I begin to ask myself, "What's the point? I'm trying to change yet I don't have any idea what I am really capable of." I am afraid that my best won't be good enough. This has caused a lack of will to do anything. The dream is reflecting my lack of will and is trying to show me that my health will not hold up if I don't make some changes. I've just got to believe in myself and change my despair into faith in myself. I need to tell myself everyday, "There is a future for me and if I work hard for it the vision will come true!"
Basically, I need to focus my will and energy toward creating forward progression of the self. I also resist this change somewhat (arguing) and need to embrace it.
Interpretation - Dream 2
ranch - similar to a house, so this represents a place in mind
hallway - a way to get between rooms in a house, so this represents how one moves from different states of mind
window - allows light to enter, so this represents a degree of awareness. How big the window is and how much light is let through determines how useful it is in allowing awareness in the current state of mind (if on a house)
phone - mind to mind communication, can represent telepathy. However, usually it represents a direct connection to some aspect of yourself.
spider - habit. Believe it or not I've worked on this one a lot! Spiders do crop up once in a while in my dreams and I've been trying for years to figure out exactly what they represent! When I think of a spider I think of a web first. They create webs. I know from listening to my subconscious that webs represent life (the web of life). Spiders eat other insects, yet I've never had a dream where a spider ate another insect. I'm thinking that this habit has to do with a habit that I have in relation to how I approach life. Spiders just sit in their web and wait for something to fly into it. I now believe that spiders in my dreams represent inactivity and passivity with regard to how I am performing in my daily life.
mother - superconscious aspect of mind. I have recently learned that the mother is the receptive quality (the father being the aggressive quality)
grandma - superconscious mind.
father - represents the aggressive quality of superconscious mind.
Rough Meaning
Yesterday, I was in a state of mind that really allowed me to become aware of how I was progressing. All of my superconscious aspects were in the dream in some way! When you have a dream like that it means you're thinking about your plan for being in this life. Remember, that the superconscious mind holds your blueprint for existence. The master plan of what you are here to learn and do while you exist in a physical body. This kind of dream is always good. It means that you are really thinking about why you are here on this earth! (which I have been doing a lot lately) I was in direct communication with my receptive quality of superconscious mind and expressing my love for it. I saw that I was potentially headed for passivity in life and took steps to avoid it. My father came in to talk to me about my grandpa which means that
oops low power - more to come!
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